Friday, April 13, 2012

Aphogee Product Line.

The Aphogee Hair Care line is very good and useful products. Aphogee is mainly used for those who have severely damaged hair. I have used Aphogee products for quite a while and I and very pleased to say that they are very helpful when it comes to getting your hair the way you want it. I will explain each product that I use and the way it helps me. I don't use every product from this line because I use what is effective for me, but I am pretty sure that all of the other products work just as well.

Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged is very effective when it comes to severe damaged hair. This shampoo gently cleanses the hair, restores shine, helps strengthen hair, and normalizes pH balance. It contains rich proteins and conditioners which help repair and protect the damaged hair. You should definitely use this shampoo for hair that has been damaged by heat, color treatment, relaxers/perms, and bleaching. The shampoo has a light carrot smell and is safe to use everyday. I personally don't wash my hair everyday so I use this product once a week. Most shampoos you have to lather, rinse, and repeat. The first time you use this shampoo you won't have to do the repeat step. This shampoo lathers up very well so there is no need for a second wash. I highly recommend this product if you are trying to recover from severe damage.
Aphogee Deep Moisture Shampoo is my favorite out of the Aphogee line. This shampoo makes styling easier, restores body and vibrancy, controls frizz, and resist humidity. It helps maintain its critical moisture balance. This shampoo is made for dry, flyaway hair or for where heat appliances are routinely used for hair styling or drying. It has a delicious smell and once you use this shampoo you wouldn't want to use any other kind. This shampoo left my hair flowing and with a lot of body. I definitely recommend this product if you want to have luxurious hair.
Aphogee ProVitaman Leave-In Conditioner adds lightweight moisture, improves body and shine, and protects against heat. It fortifies limp, lifeless hair and helps hair resist humidity for better style control. I use this after I wash my hair to have that extra conditioner in my hair and also to protect it from heat. This is very effective and highly recommended.

  Aphogee Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor adds shine and softness in one step. It is quick and effective against heat and chemical damage. It restores elasticity and softness to dry, brittle hair. It repairs damage caused by chemical services, styling, and heat. Dry, itchy scalp is eliminated. I use this product after I co-wash my hair. You can also use it after you shampoo your hair. It left my hair soft and more manageable. I recommend this product if you are experiencing breakage, but if you have severe breakage like I did, I recommend the protein treatment that I will talk about later.
Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea Restructurizer strengthens instantly, builds body, and protects color and chemical services. This is a one step strengthening treatment. This product bonds into the hair shaft with heat from the body or styling tool. It adds body, helps prevent breakage, and controls frizz. I love this product because it smells really good and I can see a difference with my hair. I apply this product right before I blow dry my hair. This is a must have product.

Aphogee Two-Step Protein Treatment stops breakage and rebuilds hair structure for six weeks. This product is ideal for severely damaged hair, color treated, and relaxed/permed hair. I must say that you must be very careful when you use this product. If you do not follow the directions this can cause your hair to become even more damaged. This product can make or break your hair if not used correctly. This product does have a foul smell to it but it is very effective I must say. Once you finish applying the product in your hair, you must allow the product to dry. You can either sit under a hooded dryer or use a blow dryer, but make sure you don't agitate the hair. Once the product is dry your hair will become rock hard. Don't freak out because that is what it is suppose to do. Your hair because hard because that is when the product is actually working. I must say do not comb the hair while it is dry nor put on a plastic cap because that can cause the hair to break off. When you rinse the product out, make sure you do not run your fingers through your hair because this will also cause the hair to break off. After the product is fully rinsed out of the hair, you must immediately use the Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer. I would definitely recommend this product because the first time I used it, my hair became stronger and I notice little to no breakage. This is a must have.
Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer infuses moisture, improves manageability, and softness and shine. It helps restore elasticity to dry, brittle hair. It also helps maintain moisture and detangles. This product should be used immediately after you use the Aphogee Two-Step Protein Treatment. I love this product because along with other Aphogee products, it makes my hair healthy and full.

I hope these products will help you. If you try them out let me know how you think of them by leaving a comment. See you later!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

More Useful Hair Tips

Here are some more useful hair tips
1) Make sure you trim your hair. Trimming your hair is very important because it can help get rid of any split ends or damaged hair and makes your hair not appear to look thin. Most people think that they shouldn't trim their hair because they want their hair to grow long. By not trimming your hair can cause for split ends to increase further in the hair which will create even more damage. Trimming means only cutting off a little bit of your hair at a time. Don't go to far as cutting 6 inches off because that wouldn't be considered a trim, that's a cut. If you want to maintain your length you should trim about an inch off. I hear some trim their hair every six months, but I trim my hair every 3 months because I feel 6 months is too long.

2) Make sure you moisture your hair EVERYDAY! One problem that I had was that I would only moisture my hair once a week. Big mistake. I have learned that if your hair doesn't have enough moisture, your hair will become very dry and brittle. When I moisture my hair, I mainly do it at night before I go to sleep. I part my hair into 4 sections and apply hair lotion to each section at a time. The reason I part my hair into four sections is to assure that the moisture is distribute evenly.

3) Always detangle your hair hair with a wide tooth come. You should NEVER detangle your hair with a fine tooth comb such as a rat tail comb. Trying to detangle your hair with a fine tooth comb is asking for trouble. If you use a fine tooth comb will simple rip out your hair causing breakage. That is unnecessary hair that should stay in your hair. Using a wide tooth comb allows you to comb through your hair easily without the breakage. Also, when you detangle your hair you should always start from the ends of you hair and work you way up. Never start detangling your hair from the roots because that we cause unnecessary breakage. You also should want to use a detangling spray that you help you glide the comb through you hair easily.

4) Never apply grease to your hair. Grease should never be apart of your hair products. Grease has petroleum jelly (Vaseline) which clogs up the hair follicles. Also greases makes your hair too greasy which can delay hair growth. Hair can't grow if you have products clogging the follicles. That's the purpose of washing your hair so you won't have product build-up. If you have a dry itchy scalp, instead of using grease try using an oil such as Tea Tree Oil, Castor Oil, or Olive Oil. You can also do a Hot Oil Treatment to your hair which helps the dry itchy scalp and leaves your hair shiny.

5) Do a Protein Treatment. Protein treatments are mainly for those who get relaxers/perms, chemically treated hair, over processed hair, and heat damage. It is a good idea to start doing protein treatments because one main reason, your hair is protein. Doing protein treatments help restore and fill in the gaps where the hair is damaged. Protein treatments also help with severe breakage and shedding. The protein treatment that I would recommend is the Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment. You can get this at your local beauty supply store (not sold at Wal-Mart or any other grocery store). This protein treatment is very powerful and must be used carefully. If you do not follow the directions, this could cause your hair to become more damage then it was before. This product does smell bad and does make you hair rock hard, but at the end you will not have to worry about severe breakage or shedding. When using Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment, you must follow up with the Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer. It is very important that you do so, so you can restore the moisture back into your hair since the protein treatment doesn't have moisture in it. This product runs for about 15.99 to 19.99, but it lasts for a very long time and is used every 6 weeks. Also remember that protein treatments should only be used every 6 weeks. Using a protein treatment more than what is should be used for can cause protein overload which causes severe damage. Every 6 weeks will do the trick.

I hope these tips are helpful and I will be back for more tips See you later!  

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Useful Hair Tips

Here are some hair tips that I have found very useful on my hair care journey
1) Use a shampoo and conditioner that is right for your hair. Everyone's hair is different so what might work for you, may not work for someone else. If your hair is dry, you should focus on purchasing shampoo and conditioners that are good for moisturizing. If you have chemically damaged hair, you should try using shampoos and conditioners that are meant for chemically treated hair. Me personally, I use Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair and Aphogee ProVitamin Leave in Conditioner. Once I finish using the Shampoo for Damaged Hair, I will start using  Aphogee Deep Moisture Shampoo.

2) How often should you wash your hair? That is totally up to you. Like I mentioned before, what works for you may not work for someone else. I know people who wash their hair once a week, twice a week, or even once every two weeks. For me, I wash my hair twice a week. I first wash my hair with a shampoo, then the second time I wash my hair I co-wash it. Co-wash simply means washing your hair with a conditioner instead of shampoo. Co-washing is good because you are washing your hair while still maintaining natural oils and moisture without stripping it out like when you shampoo your hair. Like I mentioned before, I wash my hair with the Aphogee Shampoo for damaged hair. When I co-wash my hair I use VO5 conditioners. They are very cheap conditioners that work very well. I don't have a specific kind that I use, I pretty much just use all of them. I haven't found my favorite because I am still trying out all of their conditioners but they are very affective.

3) How often should you deep condition your hair. In my opinion I think you should deep condition once a week. That way you can maintain good moisture in your hair. Since I wash my hair twice a week, I deep condition my hair when I shampoo it. The reason I do this because it doesn't make since to deep condition my hair when I co-wash it because I am already conditioning my hair. That's just my opinion.

4) Stay away from heat as much as possible. I am in the process now in recovering from heat damage. I have been flat ironing my hair since I discovered a flat iron. I never realized how damaging heat can do to your hair until now. I have been trying to stay away from the flat iron and blow dryers for a while, but they are addicting. Now that I am recovering from heat damage I must stay away from it. if you must apply heat to your hair remember two things, one, always use a good heat protector, and second, if you absolutely have to use heat, use it to a minimum.

5) Make sure your hair is covered up at night. That is a must if you want to retain the moisture in your hair. Use a satin scarf or a satin pillowcase, whichever you prefer. Not covering you hair at night will cause breakage to your hair simply because most pillows are cotton and cotton absorbs the moisture out of your hair leaving it dry and brittle. Make sure you invest in a scarf that is not going to fall off while you are sleep. Also, make sure you don't use bandanas because they are made of cotton which also absorbs moisture out of your hair which would be the same thing as not covering your hair at all.

I hope these tips where helpful and I will fill you all in on more helpful tips...see you later!

Back again!

Hey guys, I know it has been a little over a year since I have blog, but I'm back again. I have so much in store for you and new products that I have tried and loved since my last time blogging. I have learned so much more about my hair and I am very excited to share what I have learned to help my hair over this past year. The regimen that I was using a year ago wasn't working too well for my hair so I have changed products and I am starting to see some results. I will put up some videos to explain what I do to my hair and my new regimen until I can get my hair back to the way it is suppose to be. Again, I am sorry for such a delay but I am back on my game and I hope you guys will enjoy my blog and gain helpful tips from this. Until next time!