Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Useful Hair Tips

Here are some hair tips that I have found very useful on my hair care journey
1) Use a shampoo and conditioner that is right for your hair. Everyone's hair is different so what might work for you, may not work for someone else. If your hair is dry, you should focus on purchasing shampoo and conditioners that are good for moisturizing. If you have chemically damaged hair, you should try using shampoos and conditioners that are meant for chemically treated hair. Me personally, I use Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair and Aphogee ProVitamin Leave in Conditioner. Once I finish using the Shampoo for Damaged Hair, I will start using  Aphogee Deep Moisture Shampoo.

2) How often should you wash your hair? That is totally up to you. Like I mentioned before, what works for you may not work for someone else. I know people who wash their hair once a week, twice a week, or even once every two weeks. For me, I wash my hair twice a week. I first wash my hair with a shampoo, then the second time I wash my hair I co-wash it. Co-wash simply means washing your hair with a conditioner instead of shampoo. Co-washing is good because you are washing your hair while still maintaining natural oils and moisture without stripping it out like when you shampoo your hair. Like I mentioned before, I wash my hair with the Aphogee Shampoo for damaged hair. When I co-wash my hair I use VO5 conditioners. They are very cheap conditioners that work very well. I don't have a specific kind that I use, I pretty much just use all of them. I haven't found my favorite because I am still trying out all of their conditioners but they are very affective.

3) How often should you deep condition your hair. In my opinion I think you should deep condition once a week. That way you can maintain good moisture in your hair. Since I wash my hair twice a week, I deep condition my hair when I shampoo it. The reason I do this because it doesn't make since to deep condition my hair when I co-wash it because I am already conditioning my hair. That's just my opinion.

4) Stay away from heat as much as possible. I am in the process now in recovering from heat damage. I have been flat ironing my hair since I discovered a flat iron. I never realized how damaging heat can do to your hair until now. I have been trying to stay away from the flat iron and blow dryers for a while, but they are addicting. Now that I am recovering from heat damage I must stay away from it. if you must apply heat to your hair remember two things, one, always use a good heat protector, and second, if you absolutely have to use heat, use it to a minimum.

5) Make sure your hair is covered up at night. That is a must if you want to retain the moisture in your hair. Use a satin scarf or a satin pillowcase, whichever you prefer. Not covering you hair at night will cause breakage to your hair simply because most pillows are cotton and cotton absorbs the moisture out of your hair leaving it dry and brittle. Make sure you invest in a scarf that is not going to fall off while you are sleep. Also, make sure you don't use bandanas because they are made of cotton which also absorbs moisture out of your hair which would be the same thing as not covering your hair at all.

I hope these tips where helpful and I will fill you all in on more helpful tips...see you later!

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