Thursday, April 12, 2012

More Useful Hair Tips

Here are some more useful hair tips
1) Make sure you trim your hair. Trimming your hair is very important because it can help get rid of any split ends or damaged hair and makes your hair not appear to look thin. Most people think that they shouldn't trim their hair because they want their hair to grow long. By not trimming your hair can cause for split ends to increase further in the hair which will create even more damage. Trimming means only cutting off a little bit of your hair at a time. Don't go to far as cutting 6 inches off because that wouldn't be considered a trim, that's a cut. If you want to maintain your length you should trim about an inch off. I hear some trim their hair every six months, but I trim my hair every 3 months because I feel 6 months is too long.

2) Make sure you moisture your hair EVERYDAY! One problem that I had was that I would only moisture my hair once a week. Big mistake. I have learned that if your hair doesn't have enough moisture, your hair will become very dry and brittle. When I moisture my hair, I mainly do it at night before I go to sleep. I part my hair into 4 sections and apply hair lotion to each section at a time. The reason I part my hair into four sections is to assure that the moisture is distribute evenly.

3) Always detangle your hair hair with a wide tooth come. You should NEVER detangle your hair with a fine tooth comb such as a rat tail comb. Trying to detangle your hair with a fine tooth comb is asking for trouble. If you use a fine tooth comb will simple rip out your hair causing breakage. That is unnecessary hair that should stay in your hair. Using a wide tooth comb allows you to comb through your hair easily without the breakage. Also, when you detangle your hair you should always start from the ends of you hair and work you way up. Never start detangling your hair from the roots because that we cause unnecessary breakage. You also should want to use a detangling spray that you help you glide the comb through you hair easily.

4) Never apply grease to your hair. Grease should never be apart of your hair products. Grease has petroleum jelly (Vaseline) which clogs up the hair follicles. Also greases makes your hair too greasy which can delay hair growth. Hair can't grow if you have products clogging the follicles. That's the purpose of washing your hair so you won't have product build-up. If you have a dry itchy scalp, instead of using grease try using an oil such as Tea Tree Oil, Castor Oil, or Olive Oil. You can also do a Hot Oil Treatment to your hair which helps the dry itchy scalp and leaves your hair shiny.

5) Do a Protein Treatment. Protein treatments are mainly for those who get relaxers/perms, chemically treated hair, over processed hair, and heat damage. It is a good idea to start doing protein treatments because one main reason, your hair is protein. Doing protein treatments help restore and fill in the gaps where the hair is damaged. Protein treatments also help with severe breakage and shedding. The protein treatment that I would recommend is the Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment. You can get this at your local beauty supply store (not sold at Wal-Mart or any other grocery store). This protein treatment is very powerful and must be used carefully. If you do not follow the directions, this could cause your hair to become more damage then it was before. This product does smell bad and does make you hair rock hard, but at the end you will not have to worry about severe breakage or shedding. When using Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment, you must follow up with the Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer. It is very important that you do so, so you can restore the moisture back into your hair since the protein treatment doesn't have moisture in it. This product runs for about 15.99 to 19.99, but it lasts for a very long time and is used every 6 weeks. Also remember that protein treatments should only be used every 6 weeks. Using a protein treatment more than what is should be used for can cause protein overload which causes severe damage. Every 6 weeks will do the trick.

I hope these tips are helpful and I will be back for more tips See you later!  

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